I read this devotion this morning and thought it was a good reminder, another message that I need to be fixing my eyes on Jesus. I have noticed over the past month or so that when I stop frantically trying to solve my problems myself (by reading seven self-help books at once or by filling all my time with activities, music or TV), my heart becomes quiet and it's easier to hear what God is saying. I think sometimes "fixing our eyes on Jesus" has to start by taking our eyes off everything else. And when I see the results of having a life focused on Jesus, it makes me want to spend my time with Him all the more.
“No snacks or you’ll spoil your appetite.”
Do you ever find that you don’t have much of an appetite for the Word of God?
“I’ll read it tomorrow.”
Could it be that you’re on a sugar rush from all the world has to offer? Sometimes we’re like the children of Israel, bored with manna from heaven while thinking of the “onions, leeks, and garlic” they ate as slaves. While giving His people food, God was weaning them off the cheap thrills of Egypt so He could show them the true joy of being fed by His hand.
If you want to increase your appetite for the Word of God, try weaning yourself from the world’s diet. Turn off the TV, put down the catalog, fold up the newspaper, and open the Bible. You might have some withdrawal symptoms, but in time you’ll find out that the Word of God satisfies in a far deeper and more lasting way.
Nancy Leigh DeMoss
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