Thursday, November 11, 2010

Strength for Today and Bright Hope for Tomorrow

I have shared several times from my new daily devotional, Jesus Calling.  Every day's reading offers something that seems to speak directly to whatever situation I'm in at the time.  Isn't that so like God?  :) 

If you've talked to me at all in the past year or so, you've heard me talk about Myers-Briggs (and if you haven't, check out this Facebook app and let me know what Type you are!).  I bring up Myers-Briggs because I know that, as an INFP, I am very future-oriented.  I am always imagining elaborate things that might happen in my future (think opening credits of Star Wars - an endless galaxy of possibilities!).  These imaginings make for some delightful daydreams, but they can also leave me worried about the untold possibilities of what could happen to me.  The past three days of devotions have touched this part of me.  Remember, these are written as though Jesus were talking to the reader.  Here are some excerpts:
Some fears surface over and over again, especially fear of the future.  You tend to project yourself mentally into the next day, week, month, year, decade; and you visualize yourself coping badly in those times.  What you are seeing is a false image, because it doesn't include Me.  Those gloomy times that you imagine will not come to pass, since My presence will be with you at all times.

When a future-oriented worry assails you, capture it and disarm it by suffusing the light of My presence into that mental image.  Say to yourself, "Jesus will be with me then and there.  With His help, I can cope!"  Then, come home to the present moment, where you can enjoy peace in My presence. [...] I am most assuredly with you, enveloping you in My love and peace.  While you relax in My presence, I am molding your mind and cleansing your heart.  I am re-creating you into the one I designed you to be.

As you move from stillness into the activities of your day, do not relinquish your attentiveness to Me.  If something troubles you, talk it over with Me.  If you get bored with what you are doing, fill the time with prayers and praise.  When someone irritates you, don't let your thoughts linger on that person's faults.  Gently nudge your mind back to Me.  Any day can be a good day, because My presence permeates all time. [...]

Do not let any set of circumstances intimidate you.  The more challenging your day, the more of My power I place at your disposal.  You seem to think that I empower you equally each day, but this is not so.  Your tendency upon awakening is to assess the difficulties ahead of you, measuring them against your average strength.  This is an exercise in unreality.

I know what each of your days will contain, and I empower you accordingly.  The degree to which I strengthen you on a given day is based mainly on two variables: the difficulty of your circumstances, and your willingness to depend on Me for help.  Try to view challenging days as opportunities to receive more of My power than usual.  Look to Me for all that you need, and watch to see what I will do.

There's nothing we can't handle with God, nothing He will call us to that He won't also carry us through.  There may be difficult things in my future.  There may also be wonderful things.  But either way, God is there.  "Where can I go from your Spirit?  Where can I flee from your presence? [...] You will never leave me, nor forsake me. [...] And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Ps. 139:7, Heb. 13:5, Rom. 8:38-39).


  1. I like all of this but excerpt #1 especially.

  2. I figured. :) I almost emailed it to you directly, but then I got more to add and decided to make it a post.
