Romans 1:29-32: "Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things (wickedness, evil, greed, depravity, envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice, gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant, boastful, invent ways of doing evil, disobey parents, senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless) deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them" (verses reordered and emphasis added).
I hope no one who reads this takes offense at it. I'm not directing my words toward anyone in particular; I just want to make an observation about our world in general and how we should consider responding to it as Christians. This morning, when I read this aggregate list of behaviors that are unacceptable to God, I immediately thought about the kind of behavior that is often captured by reality shows. For lots of shows, even their basic premises are based on these behaviors - greed, gossip, envy, depravity, ruthlessness, just to name a few. It seems to be a thrill to gawk at the terrible ways people will behave when put under pressure.
The point of these verses that I really want to focus on is the part that says that anyone who even approves of those who practice these things also deserves death. Whoa. I think this verse is saying that when I watch shows celebrating ungodly behavior, I am like Saul, who watched over the Sanhedrin's coats as they stoned Stephen - not directly participating in but still approving the act (Acts 7:58, Acts 8:1).
Here is where the potentially judgmental part comes in: I don't personally enjoy reality TV. It is not hard for me to say that I have been convicted to stop watching reality TV, because I already don't watch it. But there are plenty of other ways that I may subtlety approve of those who practice ungodliness - music, movies, regular television shows, interest in celebrity lifestyles or gossip about someone caught in sin. At times, I am even the one who is behaving in these activities deserving of death. No one is without sin. But reading this verse today convicts me that I need to be more aware of ways I condone behavior that separates me from God. It's not enough to just refuse to participate in it; I need to keep my mind free from any exaltation of wickedness.
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